Benefits of tapping

Benefits of tapping

Are you struggling with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings? Tapping is a simple and effective way to manage them. It is based on acupuncture but uses fingertip taps instead of needles.

You also may have heard tapping referred to as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). When we experience uncomfortable thoughts or feelings this can trigger a stress response. Tapping helps you to balance and regulate these thoughts and feelings by sending messages to the parts of your brain responsible for controlling your stress levels. It helps to minimise and even deactivate the stress response.

Tapping has been known for some time to offer many benefits:
Decrease stress – a 2012 study assigned subjects to the three different groups (EFT tapping, psychotherapy or no treatment) and found those who received EFT tapping treatment had a significant reduction in their cortisol levels.
Reduce chronic pain – a 2013 study found EFT tapping helped to decrease the frequency and intensity of tension headaches in chronic headache sufferers.
Lower anxiety – a 2016 study found EFT tapping helped to significantly reduce anxiety scores in adults experiencing psychological distress.

Some other great things about tapping are that it’s a very natural treatment and you can do it anywhere, anytime.

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