Eat your way to wellness

As we kick-start the New Year let’s keep to those healthy resolutions we made. It’s important to make choices that will benefit your overarching health goals. Here’s how you can be a little creative when switching out those unhealthy meal options. 

Hummus or avo instead of butter
Incredibly delicious and always a healthy option, tasty Hopewood hummus or fresh avocado are both great substitutes for butter on your toast or rice crackers. Their creamy consistency is a perfect alternative plus they’re much healthier for you. 

Zoodles for Noodles, Beetliatelle for Tagliatelle
Whether you’re gluten free or just wanting to reduce your calorie intake, why not swap your noodles for grated zucchini and your Tagliatelle (pasta) for grated beetroot? You can also use grated carrot, squash or even sweet potato to liven things up a little, add some colour and increase your daily veggie intake. 

Coffee out, herbal tea in
When you’re used to getting your morning caffeine kick, it can be difficult to give it up but coffee is a stimulant which can increase blood pressure, stress, gout, indigestion and reflux. So why not swap it out for a cup of healthy herbal tea? 

Chilled veggies with your fruit
If you want to kick-start your morning with a tasty smoothie, why not pop a few veggies in the fridge the night before for an added hit of vitamins. Carrot, in particular, has a great natural sweetness and adds flavour to almost every fruit.  

Cauliflower for couscous or rice
Subtle in favour and versatile in use, cauliflower makes a great replacement for couscous or rice, and is also quite satisfying.  

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