Revitalize your skin: DIY natural moisturiser for summer

Summer’s harsh weather conditions can wreak havoc on our skin. Factors like diet, dehydration, environmental pollutants, makeup, skincare products and even allergies can contribute to dry, irritated skin. 

To help you combat these common skin issues, we’re sharing one of our favourite DIY moisturiser recipes. Perfect for your daily skincare routine, especially in summer, each ingredient is carefully chosen for its ability to heal and rejuvenate your skin.


Almond oil (½ cup)

Known for its anti-inflammatory and emollient properties, almond oil can improve your skin’s complexion when applied topically. It’s a fantastic way to reap the benefits of almonds without consuming them.

Coconut oil (½ cup)

Coconut oil is a powerhouse of benefits, boasting anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Rich in moisturising fatty acids and lauric acids, its high vitamin E content ensures your skin remains smooth and supple.

Beeswax pellets (25g)

Naturally moisturising and sweet, beeswax is filled with fatty acids and oils. It’s essential for maintaining the texture and consistency of your moisturiser.

Essential oils (¼ tsp, optional)

Enhance your moisturiser with skin-beneficial essential oils such as:

  • Frankincense: Known for its anti-aging properties.
  • Lemongrass: Acts as a natural astringent with antibacterial and antifungal benefits.
  • Lavender: Calming and nourishing, it reduces blemishes and imparts a youthful glow, also soothing skin irritations or sunburn.


  1. Combine the almond oil, coconut oil, and beeswax pellets in a glass bowl.
  2. Place the bowl over a saucepan filled with water and heat until the mixture melts, stirring gently to blend.
  3. Remove from heat and allow it to cool, stirring occasionally.
  4. If desired, add your choice of essential oils during the cooling process.
  5. Once cooled, whisk the mixture with an electric whisk until it forms a smooth paste.
  6. Transfer the moisturiser to a glass jar for storage.

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