Keep your New Year’s resolutions going

Have you stuck to your new year’s resolutions?  Are you maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or have you fallen back into old habits?  If you over-indulged during the summer holidays, it’s not too late to get back on track! Here are some tips to keep you on a healthy pathway.

Kick things off with a cleansing detox and then:

  • Stick to a fresh food, low-fat, high-fibre diet
  • Drink lots of pure water.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Make time to rest, relax, and have fun.
  • Breathe fresh air every day!

Hopewood is here to help keep you on track and we look forward to supporting your health journey this year. To keep yourself motivated, check back to our website for new stories about nutrition, stress and weight management, exercise, yoga, meditation and more. We hope our articles, tips and tools will empower and encourage you to eat well, set goals and maintain a positive attitude so you can achieve and maintain good health.

Food is the vital ingredient for a healthy lifestyle and Hopewood is famous for its vegetarian cuisine. Our dishes not only taste fantastic but they’re low in saturated fat, high in fibre and complex carbohydrates and feature loads of fresh fruit and vegetables. Best of all – most of them are quick and easy to make!

We’ll continue to provide recipes throughout the year – but if you want to enjoy having 100 options close at hand you can purchase Lifestyle – Hopewood’s recipe for wellbeing {}. This beautiful coffee-table style book has over 280 pages of healthy lifestyle information and mouth-watering, easy to prepare vegetarian recipes.

And if you buy this book now, you will get a second copy free – so you can encourage a friend of family member to share the gift of health.

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