Our recipes – We are what we eat!

We all know how important it is to eat healthy food but, with the frantic pace of life these days, very few of us have time to spend hours in the kitchen preparing fresh, healthy meals.

Hopewood’s delicious vegetarian cuisine is renowned for its flair, creativity and deliciousness.

Hopewood’s proven natural health philosophy advocates an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet with 60% raw food. That might sound boring or difficult but here’s the wonderful surprise you will learn at Hopewood…. the variety of dishes and flavours are remarkable and most of our recipes are quick and easy to make!

With the dramatic increase in child and adult obesity in Australia linked to fast food, high sugar content, artificial additives and processed foods – a healthy approach to preparing the family meal has never been more important!

Share some of these healthy ideas and mouth-watering flavours with your friends!

For more information about eating the Hopewood way, read our Lifestyle articles.

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