The Hopewood Project2024-05-28T09:37:33+11:00

The Hopewood Project

Introducing The Hopewood Project

In 2019, the Australian Youth and Health Foundation made a generous gift towards the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney to support research on the impact of nutrition, exercise, stress management and physical wellbeing on the health of individuals in relation to cardiovascular diseases and other lifestyle diseases.

Eric Storm AM, renowned investor, stockbroker, entrepreneur and philanthropist, attributed his 103 years’ long life to adopting a natural health lifestyle in the 1930s, after suffering a serious heart attack. Mr Storm became a passionate advocate for healthy living and a founding Director of Hopewood Health Retreat. His significant bequest enables the Australian Youth and Health Foundation to continue to support projects which encourage wellbeing. It recently funded this exciting, longitudinal, independent study at the University of Sydney to investigate the impact of an intensive lifestyle program on cardiometabolic health.

Professor Luigi Fontana

Internationally recognised physician scientist, Professor Luigi Fontana, and his team are leading ‘The Hopewood Project’ research program which will explore the impact of holistic approaches to health, such as the Hopewood philosophy.

Hopewood’s philosophy for a healthier lifestyle, which supported thousands of guests at the Hopewood Health Retreat for 55 years, and is now promoted through this website, has always been funded by the Australian Youth and Health Foundation. It advocates for a holistic approach that focuses on lifestyle as a whole, rather than a specific health problem or part of the body. This focus supports better long-term wellbeing. In particular it advocates a natural, unprocessed diet; drinking ample water; sleep and meditation; and exercise.

The focus of Professor Fontana’s work is the LIVEPLUS (LIfestyle VulnErable PLaqUe Study) trial. This study will measure the impact of a holistic lifestyle program on inflammatory markers such as fatty deposits in arteries (plaques), body composition, blood vessel function, blood pressure, blood lipids and glucose metabolism. These are all known to indicate risk factors for coronary heart disease in adults.

About the Charles Perkins Centre: The Charles Perkins Centre is committed to easing the burden of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and related metabolic conditions that drive accelerated aging, through innovative research projects and partnerships, and teaching and clinical activities.

The Hopewood Project

The LIVEPLUS Study at the University of Sydney

By Professor Luigi Fontana

Cardiometabolic disease (a group of common but often preventable conditions including heart attack, stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) is one of Australia’s largest health problems and cause of death in Australia and worldwide.

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The benefits of adding fish to a vegetarian diet By Professor Luigi Fontana

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