Eating for good health!
Hopewood recommends a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables with complex carbohydrates and some protein.
Hopewood’s vegetarian food plan is nutritious, cleansing and delicious…..
It is incredibly healthy for three main reasons:
- It’s low in fats and oils
- It’s low in animal protein, and
- It’s rich in health promoting/disease preventing micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & other phytonutrients).
If we want to improve our health we have to consciously make healthy life choices. A healthy food option over a poor food option will be better for our digestive system.
We encourage you to reach for foods as close to nature as possible. We recommend organic produce, however, we also understand that it’s not always available. Your local Farmers Market is a great place to look for good organic produce.
We recommend that your diet consist of:
- 60%-70% fresh fruit and vegetables.
- 20-25% complex carbohydrates (depending on energy requirements regarding exercise).
- 10-15% concentrated protein.
Wellbeing starts with good digestive health. It’s actually all about our gut – that’s the foundation of the natural health philosophy. Eating a Hopewood diet is the best way to improve your digestive system.
We do recommend a 60% raw food diet, but not all bodies are ready to eat this volume of raw food straight away, particularly if your digestive system is stressed and tired. Try starting with soups and steamed vegetable. Do this until your body is ready to eat 60% raw food.
Signs your body may not be effectively digesting food include uncomfortable digestive reactions, such as burping, flatulence, bloating, or constipation.
Hopewood also recommends you generally avoid stimulants, fats and oils, refined and processed foods, dairy products in large amounts, salt and high salt foods, artificial colourings flavourings and preservatives.
- Increase fibre in the diet, especially leafy greens, whole grains and brown rice.
- Restrict dressings especially fats and avocado if body fat is a problem.
- Drink plenty of purified water, fresh juices and herbal teas each day.
- Chew your food well, as this improves digestion and stimulates the bowel.
Awareness is key!
It’s important to regularly ask yourself, “when I eat this food, how do I feel?” This is essential because it enables you to identify when something doesn’t work for your body. …. and every body is unique.