Focus on mental health
Mental health is a very important aspect of our wellbeing. While it’s usually easy to recognise a physical health issue, mental health issues tend to be more subtle and harder to recognise. By focusing on mental health, we can develop a better understanding of not only our own mental health, but also others’ and the ways that we can improve it.
Learn more about mental health
It can be useful to learn more about mental health conditions as well as the signs and symptoms to watch out for. You could search for information on the websites of trusted mental health organisations or complete a recognised mental health awareness course. This can help you to recognise when you, or someone you know, may not be coping and the types of support that are available.
Reflect on your mental health
Taking time to check in with yourself and how you’re feeling can help you to recognise when something isn’t quite right. It’s normal to feel sad or stressed at times but if you’re continually feeling this way, it could be a sign of something more.
Develop strategies to manage stress
High levels of stress can negatively impact our mental health. Identifying what causes you stress and developing strategies to overcome it can make you better able to cope. It is also helpful to prioritise some time for yourself each week to relax and recharge.
Discuss mental health with others
Having discussions about mental health can help to remove the stigma around it and reduce the feelings of loneliness and isolation people often experience when they’re struggling with their mental health. Talking about mental health can encourage people to reach out and seek support if they have issues or are not coping.
Seek support
If you find you’re not coping or you’re exhibiting signs or symptoms of a mental health condition, it’s important to seek support. It’s normal to be resistant, but seeking help is a vital step to improve your mental health. You could talk to someone you trust or someone who has had a similar experience, contact a mental health support service or see a health professional.
By becoming more informed and open about mental health, we’ll be better able to support each other.