Tai Chi for beginners

Tai Chi is a form of martial art that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is a low-impact exercise that can be used to strengthen both your body and mind. It’s highly recommended that it be performed outside. The benefits include building muscle strength, flexibility and balance. 

Today is World Tai Chi Day, so what better way to celebrate than by giving our beginner movement a go? Whether you have done Tia Chi before or not, we’re rusre you will feel better for completing this movement. It’s called the warrior and scholar. 

Move: Warrior & Scholar

  1. Put your feet together and relax your hands at your sides.
  2. Take a breath in while bending your knees and sinking down, left hand flat and right hand balled up in a fist.
  3. Continuing to inhale, cover your right fist with your left hand and lift up.
  4. Come to a straight-legged stance.
  5. Exhale, release and sink back down.

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