Choosing organic

We have touched on the many benefits of choosing organic skin care products over others in the past. Here are some of the reasons why we recommend it:

  • Organic products don’t contain harmful toxins
  • They deliver results – without sacrificing your health
  • They’re natural – helping you to achieve a holistic Hopewood lifestyle (staying as close to nature as possible)
  • They’re certified – there are strict criteria that businesses must meet in order to obtain an organic certification in Australia, and
  • They’re safer than non-organic products (do you need another reason?!).

Choosing organic can also have positive impacts on your body and the planet. When you choose organic foods you’re less likely to be exposed to contaminated and harmful substances. This is because organic farmers produce and grow food without using synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides. If you are trying to live a vegan lifestyle then it’s important to know that many pesticides are made with animal products such as eggs, fish, poultry and dairy products.

Organic foods have a higher nutritional content. This is because their water weight is generally lower and their mineral content is much higher than non-organic food products. This means they often taste a whole lot better too, and who doesn’t love fresh, tasty and healthy food?!

Choosing to buy organic products can also help preserve our natural environment, with soil preservation, crop rotation and biodiversity protection being high priorities for many of these farmers. Many organic farms also focus on growing a range of foods and work in harmony with existing ecosystems – taking natural elements and the importance of protecting animal and plant species into account.

Fun fact: The estimated retail value of the Australian organic market was at least $1.72 billion in 2014 – almost double what it was in 2009. It continues grow strongly.

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