Exercising with the kids and family

Fitting in exercise around children, work and everyday life can certainly be challenging, but not impossible. The good news is that incorporating the kids into your exercise routine could be as easy as following these tips…

Get walking
Whether you head to the park or just around your neighbourhood, gather the troops and head out for a leisurely stroll before dinner.

Get dancing
Dancing is a great way to burn off extra energy! Move the furniture aside to create a dance floor, add some party lights and you have an instant disco. Press play on the iPod and get grooving with the kids in the living room.

Get gardening
Autumn means leaves filling up your garden floor. Get the children outdoors to collect the leaves and sort them into piles or rake them up in hillocks and have fun jumping in them.

Get jumping
A game of hopscotch benefits your balance and hand-eye coordination. Draw up a hopscotch board in the backyard and get hopping! Tip: try adding some jump squats or lunges for added benefit.

Get creative
Toddler/child weighted squats, planks, shoulder press and push-ups are a creative way to workout with the kids and have some fun at the same time. Lifting your child in the air is a great way to tone your arms, whilst piggy backing them and squatting can tone your legs. Get creative but stay safe!

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