Spring skin routine

Happy spring! As the weather changes so should your skincare routine. Here are our recommendations for how you can look after your skin this season:
Swap your moisturiser
Firstly, you can swap your moisturiser for something a little lighter. As the temperature and air becomes both warmer and more humid, you are less likely to have dry winter skin. Swapping to a lighter moisturiser will prevent your skin from getting excessively oily.
Incorporate SPF
Sun protection is extremely important as the weather warms up. Invest in a cream with a higher SPF. This will protect you from the spring sun and is particularly important on days where you spend a lot of time outside. While the air may still be quite cool in the mornings, it’s already warmer and sunnier in the afternoon.
Make sure to exfoliate. When the temperature warms up, our skin often sheds even more. It’s important to exfoliate to remove any dead skin cells and this routine also helps prevent dry, cracking skin.
Check products expiration dates
Finally, remember that skin care products often have a shelf life. They can expire and either stop working properly or start having adverse effects. As spring rolls in, you should check the dates of all of your skincare products and be wary of any that you’ve had open for longer than six months.