Health benefits of star gazing
Star gazing can help to you to discover mental silence and relieve stress. Looking up into the night sky will enable you to feel peaceful, relaxed and in awe of the natural world.
It slows you down as you are entirely in the moment, freed from all distracting thoughts. As you look to the stars the tension in your mind and body starts to loosen and leads to feeling psychologically refreshed.
Getting started:
You don’t have to travel, even from your backyard or balcony you can see some of the brighter stars and constellations with the naked eye.
But, if you can head further into the great outdoors, away from the city lights into a coastal or rural location, you will have a much better view of the night sky. Take a blanket to sit or lie on while you enjoy the view.
Spend time in silence to allow a deeper level of absorption and presence in what you are doing.
As you stare at the stars, the things around you will disappear and you feel enlightened by feelings of peace and a sense of connection within the cosmos.
Important astronomical events in February include:
- Mercury at Aphelion – 16th Feb
- Saturn in conjunction with the Sun – 17th Feb
- New Moon – 20th Feb
- Venus 2.1degree north of Moon – 23rd Feb
Ultimate stargazing locations include:
- Uluru, NT
- Warrumbungle National Park NSW
- Charleville Outback, QLD
See more places here