Watermelon juice

On hot days rehydration is vital! Water is best, of course, bit if you feel like a change from water to cool you down and lift your spirits, watermelon juice is ideal. Because watermelon is 90% water, it’s a great way to keep hydrated in summer and will also satisfy those with a sweet tooth.
There are wonderful health benefits as watermelon contains essential nutrients including vitamins A and C, biotin, and antioxidants. These antioxidants can help remove free radicals from the body. Too many free radicals can lead to heart disease and forms of cancer, amongst other diseases.
It’s east to make watermelon juice, just follow these simple steps –
- Watermelon (3 kilos will make approximately 5 cups)
- Blender
- Fine strainer (optional)
- Remove skin including white rind.
- Roughly chop watermelon flesh.
- Blend in batches for 3 seconds.
- Pour through strainer to remove pulp (optional).
- Enjoy!
- The pulp is a good form of fibre, so no need to remove unless you have a very seedy watermelon.
- The rind can be used to make a curry, chutney or even candy.
- If you store the watermelon in the fridge, then the juice will be cool too.
See our ‘Lifestyle-Hopewood’s Recipe for Wellbeing’ for more recipes