Feng Shui for beginners

Let’s start thinking about balance, calm and chi. We often talk about our natural health philosophy and how we can implement natural and comforting practices into our lifestyle. What about Feng Shui? Originally from China, Feng Shui explores how to adopt system to arrange your spatial awareness and orientation for the natural flow of energy (chi).

So here are some Feng Shui basics to get you started!

1. Get Tidy with Trinity

Be mindful of the energy in your home. How does your home influence how you feel and move? A tidy bedroom is a tidy mind. Trinity is the idea that your physical surroundings affect your physical health. So be kind to your body by being kind to your home.

2. Five Key Elements

When it comes to Feng Shui there are five key elements. Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. We use these elements to create an energetic balance that guides us to fulfil our goals. For example by placing a lush plant in the East area of your home you are inviting health and wellbeing.

3. Light up your life

It might seem simplistic but filling your home with natural light changes the atmosphere and aesthetics dramatically. Just like a fern, our bodies thrive on natural light and this plays an important role in maintaining a happy, healthy lifestyle.

The next step is to explore your energy map. Stay tuned to learn how to apply it in your home or office.

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