The power of positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are a powerful tool for self-improvement, personal growth and wellbeing. When repeated regularly, these simple statements can help change our thought patterns and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. By consciously focusing on positive thoughts and words, we can create a more constructive mindset and attract more positivity into our lives. Here are some ways to practise positive affirmations in your daily life:

Create personal affirmations

Figure out the parts of your life you want to improve. Turn these goals into positive, present-tense statements. For example, instead of saying, ‘I’m not good enough,’ say, ‘I’m capable and worthy.’ Personal affirmations should feel empowering and true to you. Write the affirmations down. This will help make you commit to them. 

Consistency is key

Repetition is important. Spend 3-5 minutes practising your positive affirmations at regular intervals throughout your day, perhaps when you first wake up to set a positive tone for the day ahead. Just before you go to bed is another good time to practise. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times. Try to practise daily because consistency is key to making positivity a habit.

Meditation Sessions

Combining affirmations with meditation is another powerful way to embed them into our subconscious mind. By focusing on and repeating our affirmations during meditation, we can strengthen their impact on our thoughts and beliefs.

Visualisation Techniques

Another effective way to practise affirmations is to combine them with visualisation techniques. You can do this by imagining yourself achieving your goals or embodying the positive statements you affirm. This helps in making them feel more tangible and achievable.

Displaying affirmations

You can also place written affirmations in visible places, such as your workspace or on your bathroom mirror.  This will help strengthen the messages and keep you focused on your intentions.

Record them on your mobile phone

Mobile phones are the most used and accessible gadget today. It’s always with us, whether we’re at home or on the go. So, why not use it to our advantage? Record your affirmations so you can listen to them whenever you need a quick boost of positivity!

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